Monday, January 5, 2009

The Wait is Over!

HR Chick called me this morning to offer me the teaching position I've been holding my breath over. Still no concrete details about classes, hours, benefits or anything else really.

I'm lucky that I have an "in" with the school because the amount of pay she offered was lower than the amount they were paying another adjunct instructor who is a friend of mine. I had to negotiate my way up to the same starting salary they my buddy. Had HR Chick not been willing to do that, I couldn't have accepted the position because I would have been working to pay for daycare and that's just silly.

I start Monday.

So now I am running around like a crazy person trying to nail down reasonably priced daycare in a non-icky facility. The place I really like cannot my younger son for a month. There's another, sort of local but pretty far out of the way daycare that we visited that I liked, for the most part. The large room where all the kids were held was broken up into smaller areas with sections of picket fencing, giving me the uncomfortable feeling that the children were treated like so many sheep.

So the dilemma is this: weird sheep pen day care if we can't find a sitter for the younger child for a month.

I'm a teacher, I'm a teacher.

Holy crap! What am I getting myself into?

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